Out of a combo of sheer procrastination, jealousy, and frustration that Iphoto has lost my photos and is not working I decided to post. I am not as routine as Stephanie or Sam are in their blog posting. They post once a week or twice a month and I post about every six months.
I am now officially half way through my second semester of graduate school and a first year teacher. This means I commute alot. About 2-3 hours a day down to the city and back and then in between school in the Bronx and grad class in the financial district.
This does mean I see alot of weird and cool things. For example one day at 7am I got a beer spilled all over me on the way to teach at my school. I was so pissed but terrified to say anything b/c this is New York. On the other hand the other day on the subway a group of male gymnasts performed in a subway car and were doing back flips. It was truly spectacular and I gave my first subway donation.
Since August I went to California where Eddy and I went to Disneyland. While there I was able to see a lot of amazing people spend quality time with my family and meet my new niece Stella. After that Sam cam

e to visit twice where we have basically just played video games, cooked, baked, and lazed around. I always enjoy how rested I feel when she comes. It reminds me a tiny bit of how great it was to be an undergrad. Eddy's parents came and we showed them around our new town and our amazing apartment with Hudson river views. We also went to Vermont and stayed at the above resort on Lake Champlain that reminded me of the resort in Dirty Dancing. It seemed like it was stuck in the 1950's, but that is why I liked it. In our two day Vermont trip we also went apple picking and stopped by our favorite the Von Trapp family resort. We can only dream of ever being able to afford staying there.
I am finally settling in here or I might be just to busy to notice if I am not. I loved the people in my summer NYCTF cohort and I really felt connected to them. They provide me support every week that I wouldn't be able to get anywhere else. I only wish I lived in the city so I could run over and see them more often. But that is the only reason I would never give up my new apartment except for an identical one with a bedroom closet, a dishwasher, and more cabinet space in the kitchen. But I don't even care about that stuff because it truly is a spectacular view from an amazing historical home. What more could I want?